Weekend Hanging Out With Experience Music And Intact Audio Part I

I was fortunate enough to hang out with Jeffrey Jackson of Experience Music and Dave Slagle of Intact Audio AKA EMIA for a weekend in upstate New York. The Hudson Valley and surrounding area was beautiful and a nice change of pace from the south. The weather and culture change was very refreshing.

Jeffrey and Dave lured me into a kayak for a quick trip to a small island and the Hudson River. You should have seen the rope and pulley system the developed to get me in and out of the kayak. 
I must admit I was a little suspicious because in the south no one goes kayaking until the weather warms up. I've seen the movies Evil Dead and Blair Witch..... 

I was straining to hear them but I thought I heard something about getting Iain to eat a newt before getting him off the island. It must have been paranoia because I didn't eat a newt...

Speaking of the movie Evil Dead and not the new one. This spooky little cabin reminded me of that movie big time. I could not find a copy of the necronomicon. We walked through a few acres of abandoned structures off the Hudson.

 Jeffrey found a nice French cast iron pan but why is he coming at me with it???
 My paranoia was completely unfounded as I was rewarded with wonderful craft beer and great food at the end of the day. 
 This will conclude the non audio portion of these posts. It was an incredible weekend.

The next couple of post will be packed with nothing but high quality audio porn.


Western Electric - Enjoy The World Series At Home


I LOVE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS - David Byrne + Lijadu Sisters