Lijadu Sisters Nigeria 1970's

 To say I'm obsessed with African music of the 70's is an understatement. There has been a great influx or reissues over the last 10 years. Recently I learned that Ginger Baker of Cream was obsessed with this music in the 70's as well and even setup a studio in Nigeria's Lagos. I will be going through my psychedelic Nigerian records to see which ones were produced by Ginger Baker. I found this out by researching the Lijadu Sisters. They have a song that has been rattling around in my brain for four years.

The Lijadu Sisters are twins and cousins of Fela Kuti which could explain how Ginger Baker come to record with them. Fortunately the Lijadu Sisters first four albums have been reissued and for the low price of $15 per lp. I'll be ordering these soon.  

The song that has been driving me crazy is simple by Nigerian 1970's standards but I really dig it. Here is Life Gone Down Low.

Here are the Lijadu Sisters in rehearsal and conversation.

I get really bored with current music and the classics so music like this is a god send. It is great to know that so much music is out there left to be discovered. When you get bored of the music around you just look to other cultures.


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Mullards 520 Circuit April 1956 Radio and TV News