BOS Beacon Of Sound - THE KRAKEN

BOS Beacon Of Sound

Brilliant name for a speaker. I like it. It looks really different. Does it sound good? One way to find out.
Kraken specs
Hight 170 cm
Width 95 cm
Depth 160 cm
25Hz-20KHz /-3dB

Loudspeakers for BoS are produced by "VortexCNC" small 3 man woodshop, founded 1996 in Belgrade, Serbia. In 1998 we got our first loudspeaker order, and in the next several years we made and tested allmost every posible loudspeaker koncept, mostly for a third party. Soon I became aware of the advantages of rounded speakers, and we made Suspiro, my first bell conical loudspeaker. Then folowed Pensilis and Vigor. It seemed to me that Vigor was the perfect speaker, and there is nothing more or else that could be done for better sound. But then I discovered horns...

This post originated at retro vintage modern hi-fi

Retro Hi-Fi Girl Friday


Western Electric Triad