The Office Of PWK Hope, AR

On one of my visits to Klipsch HQ in Hope, AR the office of PWK was open. A friend showed me in and I couldn't say no. This is one of the biggest posts for this site because I wasn't smart enough to put it in video mode. Anyway check out the office of PWK. This is obviously not how his office really was as that was reportedly cluttered but some of his items remain.

PWK preferred his own recordings compared to those store bought. Check out how many tapes there are and I am sure this is a small portion of his collection.

This is one I would like to hear the 1973 Ozark Mountain Bluegrass Festival. My friends dad helped with the founding of this festival.

Here we have PWK's Brook preamp and 2a3 amplifier. PWK reportedly kept this running up to spec throughout the years. It is in pristine condition.

Clearly a man of good taste a nice RCA driver.
Also a JBL 375 driver.
A cool vintage Stephens tweeter.
I've always wanted to build and try one of these. This takes two channels creates a third channel. A friend of mine is going to use this on his 1950's 3 channel shorthorn project.
This looks like a 1950's Klipschorn crossover on a chunk of lumber.
This appears to be a study for the anchoic chamber which was built in the late 70's.
Interesting items on the desk of PWK. I'm not gonna lie I have no idea what this stuff is.
A mini Klipsch study. It appears to be a model C.
The K-500 I was used in one of my favorite speakers of all time the Belle circa 1969.
A generous letter from some horn builder namesd Bruce Edgar.

At one point in the 50's PWK started the Klipsch tape project. I really like the detailed description he has added about the recordings. I've never seen one outside of Klipsch.

Where Klipsch was started a tin shack.

Klipsch through the years 1946 - 1952.
No sure what is going on here apparently some cast off projects.

This post originated at retro vintage modern hi-fi

RCA 15" Duo-Cone Speaker Ad


Cinaudagraph Speakers Where Precision Counts