1955 Popular Electronics Choosing a Hi-Fi Tonearm Part I

Recently I scored a Garrard 301 and TPA12 tonearm for almost nothing at a thrift store. This has led me to investigate vintage turntable technology. One thing is clear and that is not alot has changed and people still argue over the same things. At a thrift store the other day I found a very early popular electronics magazine circa 1955. It has some great ads and an even better article on tonearms and pro turntables. This is part one. I hope you enjoy it. The science of the tonearm has not changed that much.

Some great tonearms here Angel, audax, b-j,clarkstan, electro-sonic, fairchild 280, and ferranti. The B J arm is the first of its kind the second most popular was a Garrard

There were so many great tonearms. Most of these are still collected today. G-E A1-500, Gray 108C, Leak Model A, Livingston, Pickering 190D, and Weathers A-510-S.

This article even though it was written in the 50's really helped me understand how tonearm and cartridge interacts with the vinyl.


1955 Popular Electronics Professional Turntables For Home Use Part II


PWK tested Western Electric drivers